Saturday, August 6, 2011

ROBLOX:I am being false reported

Problem: People are reporting you or threatening to and you're not doing anything against the rules!

Solution: Don't worry. If you're not breaking the rules then nothing bad will happen.

The moderators look at the entire chatlog from the server, and look to see if anyone was doing anything against the rules. Sending in a report does not mean that the person you reported is going to automatically be banned, it means that one of the moderators will look at what everyone was saying and decide the proper action. Accusing someone is not enough to get them banned. And, reporting people for silly things just wastes our time as moderators. Spamming the report system is not tolerated. Please note that one report is enough. making more isn't going to speed up the process, and will actually make it slower.

Take a look at my inspired profile in ROBLOX

1 comment:

  1. If you followed Roblox News back in 2011, you may have taken part in the egg hunt we held back then. It went brilliantly and was visited 400 times. Every user collected a badge for visiting the place, and if they caught all the eggs and took a screenshot; they were featured on Roblox News!roblox hack for robux
